Introduction to the forestry industry program

1. Training maors: Forestry; Code: 7620201

2. Education level: university. Duration: 3.5 years.

3. Number of credits: 125 Credits

4. English requirements: Full-time university students after graduation achieve the English output standard of 400 TOEIC points or more.

5. Target orientation: Training general staff in forest resource management and development at university level; have a serious working attitude and professional ethics, have good health; ability to collaborate and manage resources; adaptability to a variety of jobs in scientific institutions, production management, enterprises or self-employment in production and service forestry.

- Having knowledge on forestry sector management to organize and direct activities of forest protection and management, forest economic management, scientific research and agro-forestry production.

- Having strong knowledge to manage forestry production such as forest creation methods and silvicultural treatment methods for each type of forest, methods of forest resource assessment, forestry planning and product design. forest business.5.2.

- Recognizing forest trees, classifying forests, classifying timber, applying basic silvicultural principles in forest ecology, afforestation, selection of forestry varieties, investigation, planning, forest exploitation, management forest protection, building agroforestry models...

- Capable of doing production design, construction and implementation of planning options at macro and micro level.

- Proficiently use tools and machines in forestry measurement, forest survey, forest exploitation, forest management and protection, business design and forestry scientific research.

- Consulting, training and transferring forestry techniques to local production facilities.

- Have a firm ideological stance, love the job, be honest, have a healthy lifestyle, have a sense of striving for excellence in all aspects, have a good and proper social relationship, have a sense of responsibility, a sense of community and professional behavior.

- Having the right attitude and professional ethics in the management, exploitation and protection of forests and natural resources.

6. Future career prospects: After graduating from the University of Forestry, students can work at: State management agencies on Agriculture - Forestry and forest industry; Participating in the development and implementation of the forestry technical process; forestry research and technology transfer agencies; District Agriculture - Forestry Departments, Agriculture - Forestry Extension Centers; Commune-level Agriculture and Forestry Committee, participating in forestry projects; Government and non-governmental organizations in forestry production and business.

7. Model of joint training and international cooperation: In order to combine training between theory and practice, the school has linked with units in the forestry industry to help students consolidate their knowledge. learn, get acquainted with the reality of the profession being trained. Thereby, students also promote creativity, initiative in learning and research, career orientation and skill training. Therefore, students will be very solid in their skills when approaching the actual production of the forestry industry.

          In addition, students can study abroad under the training program of the university affiliated with the school. This is a cost-effective form of training for students who have the opportunity to earn an international degree.